@extends('Reports.template') @section('title') Receipt Data @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content')
@if ($businessEntityMasterData[0]->logo != null)
{{ $businessEntityMasterData[0]->name }}
{{ $businessEntityMasterData[0]->add1 . ' ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->add2 . ' ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->city . ' : ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->pincode }}
{{ 'Phone : ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->tel1 }}
Receipt Report | Period : {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($fromDate) }} TO {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($toDate) }} | ||||||||||||
Sr No | Receipt Date | ReceiptNo | Patient Name | Patient Category | IP ID | Payment Type | Payment Mode | Bank Name | Ref Number | Amount | User Id | ||
{{ $sr++ }} | {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($receipt->trn_receipt_date) }} | {{ $receipt->trn_receipt_no }} | {{ $patOrCustName }} | {{ $receipt->rate_type . '-' . $receipt->rate_card }} | {{ \Helper::zeroValueToDash($ipId) }} | {{ $trn_receipt_type }} | {{ $receipt->gm_description }} | @if ($receipt->payment_agency!=''){{ $receipt->payment_agency }} | {{ $receipt->payment_number }} | @else@endif | {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($receipt->receipt_amount) }} | {{ $receipt->created_by }} | |
Total | {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($total) }} | ✱ {{ Config::get('constants.asterisk.WALK_CUST') }} | {{ strtoupper(Session::get('userId')) . ' # ' . $currentTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s ') }} |
Receipt Summary | Period : {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($fromDate) }} TO {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($toDate) }} | ||||||||
Payment Mode | Advance Credit | Bill | Refund | Other | Total | ||||
{{ $summary->gm_description }} | {{ number_format((float) $AC_total, 2) }} | {{ number_format((float) $Bill_total, 2) }} | {{ number_format((float) $Refund_total, 2) }} | {{ number_format((float) $other, 2) }} | {{ number_format((float) ($AC_total + $Bill_total + $Refund_total + $other), 2) }} | @endif||||
Total : | {{ number_format((float) $grand_AC_total, 2) }} | {{ number_format((float) $grand_Bill_total, 2) }} | {{ number_format((float) $grand_Refund_total, 2) }} | {{ number_format((float) $grand_other, 2) }} | {{ number_format((float) $total, 2) }} | ✱ {{ Config::get('constants.asterisk.WALK_CUST') }}, ✱{{ 'Credit Bill' }} | {{ strtoupper(Session::get('userId')) . ' # ' . $currentTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s ') }} |